Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Octopus

Over the years I have heard/read how some fans of other teams can't understand why an octopus is the Red Wing mascot. Even after explaining about the eight arms and playoff wins, etc, etc, etc, they still don't 'get it.' (If they were smart, they would be Wing fans, but I digress.) Now we have another reason to celebrate the octopus as a mascot: they are hell of a smart creatures! National Geographic has a story and video explaining how octopi have been observed using coconut shells as shelters, among other things. Go here for the story and video.

So, we will hold our heads up high and be proud of the mascot! (Good grief, I can't believe I said that. I'm losing it. ;) Fascinating stuff, though.)


Gander said...

Some people object to the fact our mascot is a "purple" octopus. I don't quite have a problem but it's not my fav color either.

Well, we can always say it's because Gordie had eight arms... or was it six arms and two legs? That's how he managed to elbow guys and get the goals at the same time. :-)

cmk said...


I always loved the color purple until I realized it didn't quite do my complexion any favors. Being an olive-skinned Finn (yeah, we all are NOT blond-haired, blue eyed) I had to learn what colors just don't do me any good. ;)