Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Not Much New Here--You COULD Move On

--While quite a few things have happened since I last posted, others have done a better job of commenting than I ever could. Right now, it seems as if I look on the Wings as in a holding pattern. As long as they don't lose any more ground, then I think things will be fine.

--So, Filppula (aka: my Baby Boy) is back on the ice. He has looked pretty good out there--and I mean with the way he is playing. As soon as he gets a goal, I think he will be back in good form.

--I really am feeling badly about Leino. It is hard from the comments to figure out just where his head is at. I have the feeling that his remarks are being misunderstood--after all, English IS his second language. I grew up with first- and second-generation Americans and all of them spoke Finn as their first language. They didn't always make themselves clearly understood, either. Also, I would imagine it is difficult for him to adjust to North America--he wasn't exactly a spring chicken (as far as hockey players are concerned) when he came over here. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

--So, Mikael Samuelsson is a bit upset over not being named to Sweden's Olympic team. It does seem to be quite strange--and I don't blame him for saying what he did. For Forsberg to be named and NOT Samuelsson is crazy. When was the last time Forsberg actually played without injuring his little finger while trying to step on the ice?

--While my Oldest has given me six grandchildren, The Youngest only has given me furry ones. And she has seven--two dogs and five cats. (It is a long story.) Of course, we have to give the furry kids Christmas gifts, because we give the human ones gifts. I got these for the dogs:

Of course, I couldn't leave well enough alone, so I added this:

I told The Youngest I need to see pictures of the dogs (each over 60 pounds) destroying the penguins.


Gander said...

I agree with you on Ville Leino's comment. Some people were quite angry because they think Leino meant that only third and fourth liners have to work hard, but I think it was misunderstood because English is his second language. I think what he meant was that he has a hard time dealing with being demoted (4th line, health scratch, etc.), which is perfectly understandable. I'm disappointed by his performance this season but I don't want to bash him.

cmk said...

I am really sensitive about trying to figure out what someone means when English is their second language because all of my family was in the same situation. And I still think a lot of Leino's problem is his age--he IS older than the norm to be a rookie.