Sunday, January 17, 2010


I have been MIA for the last few days and will continue to be for a few more. I have been keeping vampire hours--I find I can think clearer at night then during the day--in order to get things ready for the migration to my new computers. Things might have gone faster if I only had backed up my files like I should on a regular basis, but that didn't happen. So, I am struggling along, trying to get all of the information I need off of this antiquated machine before it finally gives up the ghost. (I'm surprised at how fast everything is going downhill. It was working okay just a week ago and now I'm barely keeping it going.) Anyway, I have missed the games this weekend and am not too sorry. It is getting too hard for me to watch them lose like they are. I'm hoping things will be better when I get back to regular viewing in a few days. I'm keeping good thoughts.

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