Monday, August 2, 2010

Can't It PLEASE Be October Already?

It really hit me as to how much I miss hockey--and how boring life is without it.  When I was grocery shopping tonight, I had to stop myself from squealing like a little girl when I saw Golden Grahams on the shelf.  When finding a box of Golden Grahams is the most excitement you have had in your life for some time, then it is more than time for hockey to begin again.


I want to be absolutely giddy over all of the dire news that has been coming out of Chicago this summer.  I want to laugh, cheer, and celebrate their loss of players and salary problems.  I want to shout from the rooftops that they will not be contenders this season--that this past year was a small bump in the road and they won't be successful for another long, long time.  I want to, but I can't.  My pessimism won't let me.  I'm just too worried that the players they WILL have will rally and prove every one of the doom-and-gloomers wrong--that they will actually be a team to be reckoned with.  Of course, time will tell, but until then, I will worry.

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