As long as I keep this blog, I might as well post something. While I don't have much to say about hockey, I will try to have some reference to it in my posts.
Ever since I first saw a tattoo, I wanted one. I don't remember who had the first one I saw, or what it was, I only know I thought it was really cool. I would imagine the person/s who had tattoos when I was younger were either vets or bikers--neither group good role models for a small town girl as I was. Of course, I instinctively knew not to mention my love of tattoos--that would have gone over like a fart in church with The Mother. But I thought 'some day.'
As a young married, we lived a couple of blocks from a tattoo artist. This would have been a great opportunity for me to indulge, but I didn't. While more people were getting tattoos at the time, the majority were still vets or 'people of a lower class' or 'outlaws.' I do think the fact that most people who had tattoos were 'dangerous' was part of the appeal they had for me--I always wanted to be a 'bad girl' but never achieved it. And at this time, I still worried about what The Mother would say--I still didn't know that I could live my own life and not have to answer to her.
Finally, after The Youngest graduated, I decided on my first tattoo. I actually have her to thank for this--she got one first and that gave me the nerve to get one. I must say, though, that it was very much to my advantage to wait as long as I did to get my first tattoo. I had enough time to think about it and decided on something that had a great deal of meaning for me and that I won't tire of at any time. (It is a Star of David surrounding a cross.) If I would have gotten one when I was younger, I have no idea what I would be stuck with--maybe the Pink Panther, for all I know.
I waited about six years before getting another tat--and then I got three in a short amount of time. (One is a Trinity knot, one is the symbol for infinity, and one is ten dots in the shape of a star.) Again, I put a lot of thought into what I wanted. Each one of my tattoos has a significant meaning for me and I won't tire of them no matter how old I get. All of my tats are on my lower arms, so the only time they aren't seen is if I wear long sleeves. (The star is on the back of my hand, so only gloves cover that one.) I figured, if I get some ink, I might as well let the world know it's there. ;)
It has been said that getting tattoos is addicting. I don't think that--but HAVING tattoos is addicting for me. The 'getting' part is not fun. The pain is quite extensive. When the artist draws the tat, it feels as if he is using a scalpel and slicing at your flesh. The shading/coloring doesn't hurt nearly as much, but that is quite a relative thing--after the outlining is done, I don't think ANYTHING could hurt as much. Yet, I have done this four times--and I'm considering a fifth.
Here is where the hockey bit comes in. I have toyed with the idea of getting a winged wheel tattoo. I would LOVE to have one. I don't believe I will get one, though. And the only problem is the color. Fact: If someone is going to have a reaction to an ink, it probably will be a RED ink. I have sensitive skin, so I really hesitate to put myself in the position of possibly having a reaction. And I have seen a winged wheel that was JUST the outline in black--sorry, but it looked very sad. So, if I ever get a fifth tat, I don't think it will be anything associated with the Red Wings. I mean really, how can you NOT have the color red in a Red Wing tattoo?
If you are going to do it, definitely get it in red. I have the Winged Wheel on my left arm, and it is completely in red. It took about an hour to do, but was totally worth it. The nice thing about it is that I can always display my love of the Red Wings no matter where I go.
That is my feeling, too--if it has to do with the Wings, it has to be red. I guess I have to display my love for the Wings by continuing to wear one of my many necklaces--just CAN'T do the red ink. :(
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